Bird Feeder Selection and Technology

Information on Bird Feeders and Technology used with Bird Feeders, Housing, and Bird Watching

No-Mess Blend LM Bird Seed: Clean, Convenient, and Enjoyable!

No-Mess Blend LM Bird Seed: Clean, Convenient, and Enjoyable!

Get ready to simplify your bird feeding routine with the No-Mess Blend LM Bird Seed! Designed to eliminate the mess and waste associated with traditional bird seed, this specially formulated blend offers a cleaner and more convenient way to attract a diverse range of bird species to your yard. Packed with carefully selected ingredients, this high-quality bird seed provides essential nutrients and energy to keep your feathered friends healthy and vibrant. Say goodbye to scattered shells and seed debris, and say hello to a hassle-free and enjoyable bird feeding experience. Invest in the No-Mess Blend LM Bird Seed today and transform your yard into a haven for beautiful birds.

No-Mess Blend LM Bird Seed: Clean, Convenient, and Enjoyable! Read More »

Comprehensive Guide: Understanding Why Birds May Not Visit Your New Feeder

Comprehensive Guide: Understanding Why Birds May Not Visit Your New Feeder

There comes a certain joy with installing a new bird feeder in your backyard, especially when you think about the array of colorful birds that it would likely attract. However, it can be deeply perplexing if your feathery friends don’t visit as expected. This guide aims to shed light on why, despite all your efforts,

Comprehensive Guide: Understanding Why Birds May Not Visit Your New Feeder Read More »

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders

Welcome to Bird Watching 101, where we’ll take you on an exciting journey of transforming your backyard into a paradise for our feathered friends. Bird watching is a delightful hobby that connects us with nature and allows us to witness the beauty of various bird species up close. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to attract birds to your backyard using seed feeders, creating a haven for bird watching enthusiasts of all ages. From selecting the right seeds to setting up the perfect bird-friendly landscape, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create a welcoming environment for our avian companions. Join us on this enchanting adventure and embrace the wonders of bird watching in your own backyard. Happy birding!

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders Read More »

Don’t Have Binoculars To Go Birding? Try Borrowing a Pair From the Library

Don’t Have Binoculars To Go Birding? Try Borrowing a Pair From the Library

[ad_1] When Philadelphia resident Maribel Sindlinger’s car was broken into in 2019, it could have easily meant the end of her family going birding together. “Unfortunately, our gear was stolen,” says Sindlinger, “and we really do not have the means to just go out and replace three binoculars.” Beyond the financial loss, the missing equipment

Don’t Have Binoculars To Go Birding? Try Borrowing a Pair From the Library Read More »

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