Author name: afeathertogether

A passionate bird enthusiast and a prominent contributor to "A Feather Together." With a keen interest in bird migratory patterns, behavior, and conservation, afeathertogether's writings provide a deep dive into the world of avian wonders. afeathertogether also actively contributes to the BirdNetPi project, cataloging birds near the feeder. Some of the top birds detected include Carolina Wren, Red-bellied Woodpecker, and Red-shouldered Hawk. afeathertogether also has a YouTube Channel named A Feather Together

Celebrate Audubon Texas’s Centennial with a Virtual Tour of the Coast

Celebrate Audubon Texas’s Centennial with a Virtual Tour of the Coast

[ad_1] If you’re familiar with the Texas Gulf Coast, you know that our beaches draw big crowds—especially places like South Padre Island, Galveston, and Corpus Christi. What you may not know is that in the bays between the beaches and the mainland of Texas are hundreds of tiny islands that make ideal homes for nesting […]

Celebrate Audubon Texas’s Centennial with a Virtual Tour of the Coast Read More »

The Cerrado, the World’s Most Biodiverse Tropical Savannah, Is in Peril

The Cerrado, the World’s Most Biodiverse Tropical Savannah, Is in Peril

[ad_1] The Serra dos Pireneus mountain range juts out from the Brazil savanna like ancient, rusty saw teeth, all sharp edges and craggy rocks. The red dirt road that winds through Pireneus State Park to the foot of its highest peak, Pico dos Pireneus, is pocked by potholes that threaten to destroy the underside of

The Cerrado, the World’s Most Biodiverse Tropical Savannah, Is in Peril Read More »

Why Cities Need Better Public Transit to Public Lands

Why Cities Need Better Public Transit to Public Lands

[ad_1] The San Gabriel Mountains stand tall on the outskirts of Los Angeles, providing a natural backdrop and green refuge beyond the city’s downtown skyline. The area’s national forest lands and trails make up 70 percent of the open space in Los Angeles County, and in 2014, President Barack Obama designated 350,000 acres as a national monument to

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After the Fire: How A Sustainable Ranch Survived a Natural Wildfire

After the Fire: How A Sustainable Ranch Survived a Natural Wildfire

[ad_1] In April 2022, a wildfire scorched the 15,000-acre May Ranch in southeastern Colorado—testing the sustainability of a ranching model that blends conservation, climate-change mitigation, and making a living off the land by raising beef cattle. Drone photos by Michael Sweeney. From the Summer 2023 issue of Living Bird magazine. Subscribe now. The May family has a wildfire

After the Fire: How A Sustainable Ranch Survived a Natural Wildfire Read More »

These Smart Devices Can Identify the Birds Outside Your Window

These Smart Devices Can Identify the Birds Outside Your Window

Over the last few years it’s become easier than ever for a beginner to identify birds, even without a field guide. A variety of apps can analyze photos or audio of birds and offer an accurate species identification in more cases than not, especially with a quality image or recording. But these apps are generally

These Smart Devices Can Identify the Birds Outside Your Window Read More »

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