Author name: afeathertogether

A passionate bird enthusiast and a prominent contributor to "A Feather Together." With a keen interest in bird migratory patterns, behavior, and conservation, afeathertogether's writings provide a deep dive into the world of avian wonders. afeathertogether also actively contributes to the BirdNetPi project, cataloging birds near the feeder. Some of the top birds detected include Carolina Wren, Red-bellied Woodpecker, and Red-shouldered Hawk. afeathertogether also has a YouTube Channel named A Feather Together

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders

Welcome to Bird Watching 101, where we’ll take you on an exciting journey of transforming your backyard into a paradise for our feathered friends. Bird watching is a delightful hobby that connects us with nature and allows us to witness the beauty of various bird species up close. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to attract birds to your backyard using seed feeders, creating a haven for bird watching enthusiasts of all ages. From selecting the right seeds to setting up the perfect bird-friendly landscape, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create a welcoming environment for our avian companions. Join us on this enchanting adventure and embrace the wonders of bird watching in your own backyard. Happy birding!

Bird Watching 101: Transforming Your Backyard into a Bird Haven with Seed Feeders Read More »

As Climate Impacts Loom, Audubon Calls for Rapid Expansion of Well-Sited Clean Energy Transmission

As Climate Impacts Loom, Audubon Calls for Rapid Expansion of Well-Sited Clean Energy Transmission

NEW YORK – The National Audubon Society released a report today that addresses the importance of rapidly expanding electric transmission to meet climate goals while also protecting wildlife habitat. The report, Birds and Transmission: Building the Grid Birds Need, outlines the urgent need for additional transmission capacity, as well as the current scientific understanding of

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Boreal Forest Experiences Record-breaking Wildfire Season

Boreal Forest Experiences Record-breaking Wildfire Season

[ad_1] It is official; 2023 is Canada’s worst fire season on record ( This year, fires are burning massive swathes of trees and vegetation across the country, including in the Boreal Forest. Right now across Canada, people are losing their homes and cabins. Others are being evacuated to places far away, not knowing whether the

Boreal Forest Experiences Record-breaking Wildfire Season Read More »

Audubon’s 2024 Bird Budget: Federal Investments to Bring Birds Back

Audubon’s 2024 Bird Budget: Federal Investments to Bring Birds Back

[ad_1] Birds are telling us that we must do more to invest in their future and federal funding is a key building block of that investment. The debt ceiling deal reached earlier this summer will impact the appropriations process through the remainder of 2023. Audubon urges Congress to reject calls to revert back to FY22

Audubon’s 2024 Bird Budget: Federal Investments to Bring Birds Back Read More »

House Vote to End Lesser-Prairie Chicken Protections Ignores Clear Science

House Vote to End Lesser-Prairie Chicken Protections Ignores Clear Science

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – The US House voted today to advance a bill that would use the Congressional Review Act to rescind the November 2022 decision by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to list the Lesser Prairie-Chicken under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The bill narrowly passed the Senate in May on a 50-48

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‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings

‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings

[ad_1] It’s no small feat for songbirds like Painted Buntings to live long lives. From habitat loss to building collisions to illegal pet trade and underground singing competitions—yes, that’s a thing—Painted Buntings face threats every day. But in a picturesque small South Carolina town, at a stunning farmhouse with lush blooming gardens, Audubon South Carolina’s

‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings Read More »

As Climate Impacts Loom, Audubon Calls for Rapid Expansion of Well-Sited Clean Energy Transmission

As Climate Impacts Loom, Audubon Calls for Rapid Expansion of Well-Sited Clean Energy Transmission

NEW YORK – The National Audubon Society released a report today that addresses the importance of rapidly expanding electric transmission to meet climate goals while also protecting wildlife habitat. The report, Birds and Transmission: Building the Grid Birds Need, outlines the urgent need for additional transmission capacity, as well as the current scientific understanding of

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‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings

‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings

[ad_1] It’s no small feat for songbirds like Painted Buntings to live long lives. From habitat loss to building collisions to illegal pet trade and underground singing competitions—yes, that’s a thing—Painted Buntings face threats every day. But in a picturesque small South Carolina town, at a stunning farmhouse with lush blooming gardens, Audubon South Carolina’s

‘Old Man Bunting’ Nearly Breaks the Age Record for Painted Buntings Read More »

How Do Wildfires in Canada’s Boreal Forest Affect Birds Across the Continent?

How Do Wildfires in Canada’s Boreal Forest Affect Birds Across the Continent?

[ad_1] Earlier this month, wildfire smoke originating in Quebec descended upon the eastern United States, turning skies orange and creating dangerous air quality for millions of people. The smoke has since lightened in most of the United States. But up north, the situation remains dire across Canada’s boreal forests. As of publication, 411 fires blaze across the

How Do Wildfires in Canada’s Boreal Forest Affect Birds Across the Continent? Read More »

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